Project Summaries
Molly Crockett (Psychology), Spring 2023
We are building a machine learning classifier to identify and distinguish modes of moral reasoning in historical natural language data. We seek to explore the emergence of different forms of moral reasoning over time and…
Sam Trejo (Sociology), Spring 2023
While much social scientific research has focused on [i] theorizing about the distinction between race and ancestry and [ii] exploring how people interpret information from genetic ancestry tests, there is scant research which actually…
Selene Campion (SPIA), Fall 2023
Economic segregation is growing in the United States, indicating rising economic inequality across the country. Extant research has focused on assessing economic segregation at the metropolitan level. While these measures provide helpful insights into…
Simone Paci (Politics), Fall 2023
Does ChatGPT make for a good research assistant? Many social science projects rely on the systematic collection of large volumes of data from public sources. Traditionally, this task is relegated to research assistants, who parse…
Christopher Blair (Politics), Spring 2023
In this project, we examine how wartime experiences shape the political behavior of veterans from marginalized groups. We explore this question in the context of the WWII-era United States. We study how experiences in…
Ari Dyckovsky (Psychology), Spring 2023
We combine advanced computational social science techniques with psychological experiments to study the underlying processes that lead to the emergence of value in networked communities (e.g., cryptocurrencies in blockchain systems)…
Brandon Stewart (Sociology), Spring 2023
Body cameras have become nearly ubiquitous across large and small police departments in the United States since early adopters began piloting studies in the early 2010s. As of 2023, all major US police departments as well as a good…
Adele Goldberg (Psychology), Spring 2023
Accounts of human language processing have long appealed to implicit “situation models” that enrich comprehension with relevant but unstated world knowledge that capture unstated relationships among entities. Pilot…
William Schultz (Politics), Spring 2023
This project introduces a new framework for social media research, called MICE (Mastodon Instance Comparison Experiments), in which I use the open-source Mastodon software to simulate counterfactual platforms. I inject research participants into…
Hunter York (Politics), Fall 2022
Occupational gender segregation has been shown to constitute a large portion of the gender wage gap, but there are hidden forces at play when one considers intersection of organizations and occupations that elucidate other mechanisms…