Current Fellows - Fall 2024
Research Interests: Early Language Development, Word Learning, Communicative Interaction, Multi-Method Approaches
Technical Expertise: R, Reproducible Research, Language Environment Analysis, Annotation App, Experiment Programming (Python, C++, MatLab)
Research Interests: Intrastate Conflict, Great Power Intervention, Africa, International Human Rights, Counter-terrorism
Technical Expertise: Python, R, Machine Learning, Geospatial Analysis, Structural Game Theory
Research interests: Urban Inequality, Stratification, Neighborhoods, Housing, Education, Quantitative Methodology
Technical expertise: Geospatial Analysis, Spatial Econometrics, Causal Inference, Online Survey Experiments, R, GIS, High-performance Computing, Version Control, Reproducible Research
Research Interests: Human-Computer Interaction, Social Computing, Sociotechnical Systems
Technical Expertise: Python, Java, JavaScript, SQL, C++
Research Interests: U.S. and Indian Democracy, Digital Public Infrastructure, Biometric Identity Systems, AI As A Public Utility
Technical Expertise: Machine Learning, Casual Inference, R
Research Interests: AI and Labor, Social Computing, AI and Algorithmic Auditing, HCI, CS Education
Technical Expertise: Multimodal Machine Learning, Text Analysis of Online Communities, Python, PyTorch
Research Interests: Statistical Methodology, Causal Inference with Text, Applications of Large Language Models
Technical Expertise: R, Python, Machine Learning, Statistics, Large Language Models, Natural Language Processing, Text Analysis
Research Interests: Statistical Machine Learning, Causal Inference, Biostatistics, Gun Violence (Open to More Social Science Topics)
Technical Expertise: Python, R, Matlab, HTML, High-Performance Computing
Research Interests: Causal Inference, Network Interference, Regression Discontinuity Design, Mathematical Statistics, Econometrics
Technical Expertise: R, Python, Stata, Statistics, Machine Learning
— Past Cohorts —