In support of the DDSS mission to facilitate innovation in quantitative social science, multidisciplinary community-building, and public good and tool creation, we recruit the technical talent of both undergraduate and graduate students at Princeton.
Graduate Fellowship in Social Data Science. Graduate student fellows should expect to spend 1-3 hours a week on consultations, bi-weekly meetings, public good creation, and community-building activities. Fellows receive a one-time award of $1200 for research expenses and travel. Fellows are required to attend DDSS events.
DDSS Graduate Consultants. Graduate students who register as consultants for their technical skills will serve in a more traditional role of research assistant (RA) on specific projects, or offer services for replication or training workshops, which graduate students can recommend. Consultants are paid an hourly wage, including time spent on preparation for conducting workshops or training. Graduate consultants are encouraged to attend DDSS events.
Undergraduate Fellowship in Social Data Science. Undergraduates with strong technical skills will be directly supervised by DDSS senior research staff or software engineers in an enriched application to a social science research project. Undergraduates will be recruited through advertised postings and will be matched to appropriate projects based on skill level. Undergraduates who are especially interested in particular projects can directly email [email protected] with "Undergraduate Fellowship" in the subject line.
Please see our Frequently Asked Questions page for further details on our opportunities.